How to Keep Caring for the Care• Lessers!

As a patient, friend, family member, coach and/or practitioner. We engineer the same intentions -

Let’s all fix something we aren’t quite sure how to go about.

                    We! We! We!

I emphasize the intimate word “we” because every day we engage in conversation that we believe to be interactive. But in reality, we might as well utilize an interpreter service to translate the real conversation going on.

In the healthcare setting, there is something called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) which protects the confidentiality and privacy of patient records, safeguarding all medical information floating around in our wonderful universe.

If I may, share a story with you, with respect to my professional compliance standards to HIPAA.  Here goes:

I found myself extremely uneasy at the impossible attempt to help a client that challenged me to rethink my judgment and character as a healthcare provider.

During my care for this client, answering every question and providing every object or emotional, factual, and compassionate request made- I looked at this individual and realized “it was nothing!”

“There was nothing!”

There was nothing in my power I could do to help this person at this moment. This stranger never laid eyes on me one time throughout the 4 and a half hours I cared for his/her needs.

It was almost as if the more blankets, the more pain medication, therapeutic communication, comfort, and assistance I offered– the growth of complaints and lashing out developed and exploded.

Immediately, my brain was stimulated and the lights were flickering, my heart was racing. And yes, the unapproved uniform hoodie was coming off because it was a rare incidence that I was beginning to get hot and sweaty in this iceberg hospital setting.

What was the intention behind this clients’ words and actions? Did I bring on this energy? Am I making him/her uneasy or anxious? How can I help?

I often engage in an internal conversation with my mindful gatekeeper. I like to ask her if I am honest, willing, and peacefully providing loving care to all the patients that I meet, especially in the emergency department (ED)

I even went to the extent of listening to this frowning client talk about his/her daughter going to college in Washington and the distance from the individuals significant other - who resided in San Diego (1-hour distance from his/her residence).







Fashionable & Functional by Jaanuu



"Let's all fix something

we aren't quite sure how to go about."

Images by Gabriella Cullyne 


I can openly profess, I, fortunately, love my position in the ED because I wake up knowing I have the chance to save or heal an individual from an unfortunate situation.

This exclusive experience reminded me of an expression I once held close to my heart- “Answer the question being asked, not the question you want to answer.”

For the rest of my care of this client, I offered my best service. If this being were my friend or family, how would I have wanted them to be treated?  Regardless of the outcome and or the so-called “let’s fix this together” intent, I wanted to provide the veracity of education any sick individual deserved. I moved on and I held onto my areas of growth and giving.

It took all the grit and genuine muscles fibers in my brows to stay focused. I am well aware I have infinite facial expressions to match the beams of a kaleidoscope.

In HAPPINESS, I recommend caring for others within the capacity you have to care for yourself.

In HEALTH, I suggest you care for others with mindful objectivity and the realistic awareness that we are not here to fix and repair everything.

In HUGS, you can never be over generous with love, patience, and a unique moment of human growth.


We can keep caring.  We can.